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The federal government’s Directorate-General for Development (DGD): - coordinates the Belgian development policy - administers about 2/3 of the Belgian ODA

IATI identifier


Implementation Schedule

Will follow after update

Organisations / agencies covered

ODA imputed on the budgets of the federal government’s Directorate-General for Development (DGD), which represents about 2/3 of Belgian ODA

Timeliness of Data

From February 2017 onwards, data will be published on a weekly basis.

Frequency of publication


Frequency of publication (extra comments)

From February 2017 onwards, data will be published on a weekly basis.

Units of Aid

Small in donor country expenses (< 5 to 10 k euros) counting as ODA (mostly administrative costs or awareness raising) are generally taken together. Multi-sectoral and multi-country programs/projects are split in components so that details on the level of sector/country combinations are available.

Segmentation of Published Data

At this moment all data is published in 1 file. In time, and in function of the feedback we receive from users, we could consider segment our data by country or region.

Data Definitions and References

As a DAC-donor, Belgium uses DAC codes for most of the key-data-elements published through IATI.

Field Exclusions


Record Exclusions

No ODA activities are excluded.


See "units of aid" above. All DGD ODA is to be published (representing some 2/3 of Belgian ODA)

Other Constraints


Data Quality

Annual budgets are indicative, and subject to change (in line with DAC FSS stipulations). Actual disbursements and commitments are verified.

User Interface

That's what we're planning for, after we have completed renewing our internal system (scheduled for end 2016).

User Interface Website
